MultiMix is an advanced premixer designed for the production of various beverages, both carbonated and still. Its versatility and precision make it suitable for:
The production of carbonated beverages, such as cola or lemonade, mineral water, and still drinks.
Water degassing with vacuum tank
Two-component configuration (Water + Syrup + CO₂)
Capacity from 2,000 Ltr. to 10,000 Ltr./h
Customer Benefits
No dosing pumps required
No flow measurement, minimal maintenance, fully mechanical
Fully automated and digitized
Fully CIP-capable
Large touch screen with visualization
For beverages with and without CO₂
Modular design in stainless steel construction
Capacity from 2,000 Ltr. to 10,000 Ltr./h
Compact design for control cabinet and external all-around cable channel
Connection for carbonation of non-alcoholic beer
Brix and CO₂ measurement
CO₂ dosing via ratio control – pressure and temperature